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Barcode Label Maker for Publisher


Barcode Label Maker for Publisher is helpful for labeling library books and tracks details of book publishing industry. Barcode software is helpful for library system to maintain the library book publishing company needs. Software supports to design linear and 2D barcodes images to provide helping hands for labeling various publisher and Library items including books, audio, video, CD and DVD to track the complete detail.

Barcode label maker software creates customized barcode labels for satisfying the book publishing needs and avoid the data loss problems. Barcode printer and scanner can be used to print and scan the barcode images with option to save designed barcode images at user specified location for future reference.

Screenshots of Barcode Label Maker for Publisher

Supported Barcode Fonts:-

  • Linear Barcodes Fonts - Codabar, Code 11, EAN13, EAN8, Industrial 2 of 5, ISBN, Telepen, UPCA, UPCE
  • 2D Barcode Fonts - Databar, Databar Limited, PDF417

Software Features:

  • Barcode software creates barcode with linear and 2D barcode standard.
  • Create bulk barcode with series generating option including Sequential, Random and Constant series generating options.
  • Barcode label making software provides the preview of barcode image designing objects to create customized barcode images.
  • Barcode labeling software provides wizard interface to create new barcode label or modifying existing barcode label.
  • Bar code system creates customized barcode labels/images in different shapes and sizes.