Business Building Tools

Financial accounting software is a comprehensive business solution that effectively manages all accounting records by generating various income/expenses details so that you can easily track out financial health or growth of your business.

Financial Accounting - Enterprise edition software is presented with additional bar coding facility that easily manages all accounting, invoice, sales and purchase related information all at a single place to increase business productivity.

Purchase order software creates and manages any professional business sales/purchase order details at one place and fully capable to maintain and access Company details, Customer and Vendor details, Item details and other major business sales and purchase records.

Multi Company Purchase Order Software ends your time consuming task of maintaining inventory stock report with computerize purchase order management process. PO software maintains customer, vendor details to generate invoice report with full accuracy.

Employee planner software is developed to manage employees day to day scheduling activities. Software easily manages staff shift schedules, attendance logs, leave details, payroll records all at one place.

Tour and Training Management Software is useful to schedule tour and training activities for any business organization. Employee tour and training utility will manage complete tour and training activities details with scheduling result.
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