PC Monitoring Tools

Keylogger monitors every key entered from the keyboard of your PC or Laptops by any external user in your absence. Software records passwords, user login, emails, chat conversations and similar typing activities with option to mail log details at defined email ID.

Advanced Keylogger records external user PC working including clipboard entries, voice chat details, captures windows snapshots, keystrokes, system logins and entire internet activities in a log file format with option to mail or upload log details at specified locations.

Mac Keylogger software facilitates users to monitor all online offline system activities, trace external user performed system action in complete surveillance mode. PC monitoring software captures system screenshots and records all visited website URL.

Pocket PC Forensic Software is used to extract all detailed information of windows based mobile devices such as database records, mobile processor architecture and other related information of cell phone devices for the forensic analysis and scientific investigation usage.

Get real time and accurate status of what your employees or students do with USB removable media device monitoring software used to monitor the plug-in and plug-out activity of any USB mass storage device on client machine configured on windows network.
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